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June 15-17, 2018 | Anthology Film Archives | 32 2nd Avenue, New York, NY. 


SF MAY 2018

LA OLA is a showcase of the best independent contemporary films from Spain. The showcase celebrates its fourth edition, creating a bridge between Spain and the Americas to bring groundbreaking cinema to New York, Los Angeles, and, now, Mexico City. LA OLA offers a curated selection of critically-acclaimed films, selected and awarded at the most remarkable European film festivals. Despite their critical success, these films have struggled to gain access to the traditional distribution channels. LA OLA aims to create a bridge between Spain and the U.S. to address this problem, giving exposure to all these extraordinary works on this side of the Atlantic.

LA OLA is organized by La Panda Productions, Playtime Audiovisuales, and Rocío Mesa, in partnership with Spain Fresh; with the principal support of Acción cultural Española AC/E and SPAIN Arts & Culture; co-presented in partnership with MUBI and Curtocircuito; and with the collaboration of the Consulate General of Spain in New York and Embassy of Spain in the United States.

Resolution for the II Call for Artists Residencies 2017_[ES] POSITIVO 7B + Spain Fresh

August, 2017 



Spain Fresh is proud to announce the FINAL LIST OF RESIDENTS of the 2nd Call for Residencies for Artists and Curators Espositivo 7B


July 14, 2017  |  NYC


SF JUNE 2017

Spain Fresh joins Le Poisson Rouge and La Editorial de Canada to bring the 4th SPAIN-BROOKLYN MUSIC SERIES, a celebration of the best independent music from Spain and Brooklyn. This time we get bigger with El Guincho, Extraperlo, NOIA, Turnbull Green (dj set) and Vortex (dj set).

II Call for Artists Residencies 2017_[ES] POSITIVO 7B + Spain Fresh

Until July 16, 2017 


SF JUNE 2017

For this second call, 7B is glad to annunce  the special collaboration with Spain Fresh; platform that promotes the emerging arts and culture related to Spain abroad.

International call for artists or curators who want to develop a project in Madrid. Espositivo 7B aims to connect the artists / curators who go through the program with their counterparts, and promote them with our contacts and our networks. In addition they are offered a monitoring of the project by the Espositivo team and its collaborators, and a possible participation in an annual collective or individual exhibition in our space or in external curatorial projects in collaboration with other centers.

L.A. OLA: NYC Edition. Spanish Contemporary Cinema Showcase

June 2-4, 2017 | Anthology Film Archives | 32 2nd Avenue, New York, NY. 


SF MAY 2017


L.A. OLA has provided Los Angeles with a window into the most innovative cinema from Spain for three consecutive years; and now the festival hits the East Coast with L.A. OLA: NYC EDITION at the prestigious Anthology Film archives. 'Mimosas' by Oliver Laxe

will be the closing film for this third edition of the Spanish showcase.

Other four films will complete the 2017 feature program of L.A. OLA: 'Oleg and the Rare Arts' by Andrés Duque; 'No Cow on Ice' by Eloy Domínguez Serén; 'Agata's Friends' by Alba Cros, Marta Verheyen, Laura Rius, and Laia Alabart and 'That feeling' by Juan Cavestany, Pablo Hernando, and Julián Génisson. All feature films will be preceded by a short film curated in collaboration with renown Spanish Short Film Festival Curtocircuito International Festival.


The Spanish film-making scene is emerging as one of the most fertile and successful in Europe with a new generation of young Spanish filmmakers who are winning great acclaim at prestigious international film festivals (such as Locarno, Berlin, Rotterdam, and Cannes). Despite their critical success, these groundbreaking Spanish films have struggled to gain access to the traditional distribution channels. L.A. OLA aims to create a bridge between Spain and the U.S.


JULY 4, 2016  |  7PM - Midnight  |  Baby's All Right  | 146 Broadway St, Brooklyn, NY 


SF JUN 2016


Spain Fresh and the Consulate General of Spain in New York present the third installment of Spain Brooklyn Music Series; a celebration of the independent music scene in the two sides of the Atlantic.

POLOCK (Valencia) 7pm

IZAL (Madrid) 8:30pm

DER PANTHER (Brooklyn) 10pm

TIMOTHY ALLEN (Brooklyn) 11pm

VORTEX (Madrid-Brooklyn) 11:30pm


MAY 5 | 6PM - 9PM | Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada | 466 Greenwich Street, New York, NY. 

SF APR 2016


Spain Fresh and Agatha Ruiz de la Prada promote Spanish art in New York presenting the work by David Farrán de Mora at the designer’s store in TriBeca 



SPAIN FRESH en las jornadas "Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, muchas veces Madrid"

NOV 18 | 7:30PM | La Casa Encendida | Ronda de Valencia 2, Madrid

SF NOV 2015


Las jornadas "Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, muchas veces Madrid" pretenden establecer un mapa del Madrid creativo a través de un exhaustivo análisis sobre el quién es quién; quiénes son los agentes más activos del Madrid artístico y cultural y cuáles son las redes visibles e invisibles que se están estableciendo en la ciudad.

FIUNYC. From Barcelona to the World

SEPT 24 | 6PM-9PM | WeWork Soho-West | 175 Varick Street, NYC

SF SEP 2015


Spain Fresh is please to announce a collaboration with its brother platform FIU. We are proud to introduce to our followers this amazing initiative coming from Barcelona and to be presented in NYC next September 24th. 


"The emerging creativity from Barcelona takes a journey to New York, where its potential will be shared and discovered".

RV.Papers #9:
8.00 AM / 15.00PM by Luis Urculo

MAY 16 | 7PM-10PM | Object_ify 139| 139 Essex Street, NYC

SF MAY 2015


Spain Fresh and Object_ify139 are pleased to host the launch party for the latest issue of the curated Spanish artzine, RV.PAPERS: 8.00 AM / 15.00 PM by Luis Urculo.



SF NOV 2014


SPAIN FRESH, as a platform for the international promotion of the Spanish creativity and continuing with the collaboration established with REEBOK SPAIN, presents: THE CITY IN MOTION, a party for the launching of the video created by different Spanish artists for the British brand during the months of October-December 2014. 



SF OCT 2014


SPAIN FRESH, participates in FotoWeekDC this year in Washington DC with the exhibition New Spanish Photo_Visions Beyond Borders, previously presented in NYU's KJCC in NYC last May.  The exhibition will be opened to the public from Nov 8 until Nov 16 at FotoWeekCentral @ Former Residence of the Ambassadors of Spain at 2801 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C.


JUNE 13 | 6PM | 355A BOWERY, NYC

SF JUN 2014


SPAIN FRESH presents a one-day pop up installation by the Spanish artist BUBI CANAL on June 13 at Open Gallery Space at 355A Bowery, New York. Opening Reception at 6 PM.


BUBI CANAL’s project will consist in an installation. A limited edition of 100 T-shirts will be hanging from the walls of the space with BUBI’s signature use of color and geometric shapes. All the visitors will participate in a “lottery-performance” and have the possibility of winning a T-shirt at the end of the event. BUBI’s idea is to create a dynamic space where attendees will interact and have the possibility of taking a piece of the installation home with them.



24h pop Up Show on June 13th, 2014 at 355A Bowery, New York

SF MAY 2014




SPAIN FRESH in partnership with SPAIN CULTURE NEW YORK and SPAIN arts & culture launches an open call for Spanish artists living in NYC to develop a proposal for a 24h intervention on June 13th 2014 at Open Gallery Space, located at 355A Bowery in New York.

The main idea of this OPEN CALL is to give the opportunity to one artist or collective living in NYC to present its work to the American public following SPAIN FRESH principles and the main theme of SPAIN FRESH for its 2014 international program: REMAKE (concepts as remembrance, pastiche, amnesia, etc) present nowadays in several artistic disciplines. 

The aim of this open call is to select a proposal from a Spanish creator living in NYC and presented to the public in addition to the multidisciplinary program of SPAIN FRESH that has been taking place at NYU’s King Juan Carlos Center during Spring 2014. In this festival, SPAIN FRESH has programmed a series of events with fresh music, photography and film portraying the current trends in Spanish culture.

SPAIN FRESH @ Reebok Creative Hub_ Madrid
SF MAY 2014


Spain Fresh ha sido invitada a colaborar con Reebok Creative Hub en Madrid los proximos 29 y 30 de Mayo programando encuentros entre artistas y comisarios y dos sesiones de musica.

Spain Fresh en colaboracion con Reebok presentan dos actividades para el espacio que la marca deportiva inglesa ha abierto en el barrio de Malasana en Madrid.

Otros colectivos participantes en su programa durante Mayo han sido "Hipsters from Spain" o "Atelier des Jeunes" entre otros.

Spain Fresh aportara su criterio de seleccion y la coordinacion de dos eventos los proximos dias 29 y 30 de Mayo a partir de las 7pm. 


La programacion es la siguiente:


J 29 | 7 pm | Spain Fresh Talks: Encuentros entre comisarios y artistas + presentacion de Spain Fresh


- Breve introduccion de Spain Fresh
- Bernardo Sopelana y Cristina Garrido hablaran sobre la publicacion de This Is Art Now. Una obra sobre artistas ficticios y que se presentara en octubre en la trienal de Sao Paulo. Te adjunto la propuesta.
- Ferestec y Marc Navarro.


V 30 | 7pm | Sesiones de DJ's emergentes


- Orphidal Dj

- Erkry Dj


SF MAR 2014


Spain Fresh y Doze Magazine lanzan conjuntamente una convocatoria para la selección de 5 piezas fotográficas de artistas con nacionalidad española para ser incluidas en la sección “Doze Magazine” de la exposición colectiva “New Spanish Photography_Visions beyond borders”, que tendrá lugar durante el mes de Mayo en el NYU’s King Juan Carlos Center de Nueva York.


Sobre la exposición y su temática:


Con esta exposición queremos construir un retrato contemporáneo del panorama de la fotografía española actual. Más en concreto, queremos mostrar la visión de varios artistas sobre el paisaje al otro lado de nuestras fronteras, un paisaje natural o urbano, siempre plasmado desde una perspectiva crítica o emocional a través de la fotografía.


Los artistas y sus obras seleccionadas construirán una línea narrativa que recorre universos y rincones, que a veces se tornan familiares y cercanos, y otras nos trasladan casi a galaxias remotas. Un paseo por realidades, mundos y paisajes a través del objetivo de diferentes artistas con un principal nexo común: SU ENORME CALIDAD Y PROYECCIÓN.



SPAIN FRESH seleccionada dentro 10 X 10 PÚBLICA 

SF ENE 2014


SPAIN FRESH ha sido seleccionada para participar en el programa 10×10 PÚBLICA dentro de PÚBLICA 14, Encuentros Internacionales de Gestión Cultural que tendrán lugar los próximos días 30 y 31 de Enero de 2014 en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid


La Fundación Banco Sabadell presenta 10×10 PÚBLICA, una actividad dedicada a la creatividad, a la participación y abierta a todos los emprendedores culturales que quieran dar visibilidad a su proyecto.

Siguiendo un programa de presentaciones muy breves, en un clima distendido, los participantes podrán compartir sus ideas y propuestas más innovadoras ante un auditorio de profesionales de la gestión cultural con los que contrastar sus proyectos y explorar oportunidades de colaboración.


SF OCT 2013


SPAIN FRESH will participate as a collaborator in the third edition of ROOM ART FAIR, the youngest art fair in Europe. The fair will take place at the Metropol Praktik Hotel in Madrid from Nov 22 - Nov 24, 2013. 


We will officially present our platform in this great Art Fair, an event which phillosophy goes quite close together to ours, always supporting the emerging and high quality creativity. 


We are more than happy to establish this new link to the art scene in Spain and be able to export it after to New York City next Summer 2014.


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